Breast Cancer: Myths and Truths

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Do you know what's fact, what's fiction?
Myth: An injury to the breast can cause cancer.
Truth: A bruise or hit to the breast won't cause cancer. If cancer develops in a spot that has been injured, it is just a coincidence.

Myth: As long as I have had a mammogram that did not show any abnormalities, I am safe from breast cancer.
Truth: Cancer can occur at any time. That's why it is recommended that women screen themselves as follows:

Age20-3940-4950 & above
Do Breast Self Examination (BSE) once every monthYesYesYes
Go for a Clinical Breast Examination by a healthcare professional once a yearYesYes
Go for a mammogramYes. (Once a year)Yes. (Once in 2 years unless otherwise recommended by a doctor)

Myth: Radiation from mammography is dangerous.
Truth: The amount of radiation from mammography equipment is actually very low. Do not let fear of exposure to radiation or of pain keep you from getting regular mammograms.

Myth: Breast cancer lumps are painful and grow fast.
Truth: Breast cancer lumps tend to be painless, hard, and persist even after a few menstrual cycles. They usually grow slowly. If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, take a little time to talk to relevant people or even seek a second opinion before deciding on treatment.

Myth: Mastectomy (removal of the entire breast) is the only way to get rid of breast cancer.
Truth: Mastectomy is not required for all breast cancers. Thanks to new technology, recent research and improved therapies, those diagnosed with breast cancer have a variety of options, depending on the stage and type of breast cancer.

Protect yourself against breast cancer. Be aware of the facts. Practise a healthy lifestyle by exercising 3 to 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet rich in fibre and low in fats, and limiting alcohol intake to less than one alcoholic drink a day. And most importantly, screen yourself regularly for breast cancer.

For more information on breast cancer and how to screen yourself, call Breast Cancer Foundation at 6356 0123, email them at or visit their website at

Republished with permission from Breast Cancer Foundation.
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