Keep Your New Year Resolutions

9 tips on how to stick to your resolutions throughout the year.

5. Keep your progress slow and steady

It's important to allow yourself some time to gradually adapt to your new lifestyle or habit. Don't treat this like a bootcamp -- or you'll most likely quit it altogether! If you're resolving to keep a diet for example, completely swearing off all fats and desserts isn't the way to go. The key is to slowly become adjusted to your new routine: Start by introducing more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, and slowly cut back on the desserts and supper on weekdays, so you can still have your favorite snack (in moderation) on the weekends.

6. Reward yourself

For the small successes you've achieved, reward yourself with something you like. Looking forward to a reward is one of the most powerful motivators around.

7. Keep a progress log

Write down your resolution, progess and difficulties encountered in a journal or online blog. Revisiting your past accomplishments and how you overcame the obstacles will help keep you motivated and focused on your final goal.

8. Learn to forgive yourself when you slip

Know that it's okay to slip occasionally and stay positive. Don't dwell on little fallbacks too much or they'll distract you from the big picture. Resolutions are accomplished in many small increments along the way, and occasional slips won't bring your past progresses to naught.

9. Persevere

Even if you've failed to keep your resolution, there's no need to beat yourself up. You can always start over again. After all, resolutions require continuous dedication and effort. You don't just stop once your goal has been reached.

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