Natural Family Planning

An overview of how this natural method of contraception works.

Different Methods of Natural Family Planning

There are different approaches to natural family planning, though all are based on the fact that intercourse should be avoided during the predicted time of ovulation, when fertilization is most likely to occur. These methods include:

  • Calendar Rhythm Method

    This is the oldest method of all. A woman with very regular cycles only needs to count backwards from the first day of her period to locate the day on which she ovulated (usually around the 14th day from the first day of her period). She can then predict her next ovulation based on her calculations, and avoid having intercourse around that time.

  • Ovulation Method (Mucus Method)

    During the fertile period, the vagina secretes wet, slippery mucus that appears clear and stretches without breaking. The woman will experience more wetness and should avoid unprotected intercourse until 2 days after it is gone.

  • Sympto-Thermal Method

    The woman's body temperature is taken and recorded every morning with a special thermometer that has a range of only a few degrees (basal thermometer). The chart will follow the daily variations in the body temperature. When the temperature rises and stays elevated for at least 3 days, it is assumed that ovulation has occurred, and intercourse is avoided.

  • Standard Days Method

    This involves the use of special color-coded beads to help women keep track of where they are in their cycles. Unprotected sex is avoided during days when they are likely to get pregnant.

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