Remedy for Water Retention
My tummy and breasts always bloat up right before my periods. What can I do to stop the water retention?
Water retention is caused by the buildup of excess fluid in the tissues, which results in the bloating and swelling you described. This is commonly seen among women, especially in relation to their menstrual periods. The fluid retention you experience just prior to your periods is due to hormonal change and usually resolves by itself.
The human body metabolizes sodium by diluting it with water, meaning salt causes the body to retain water. So if you are looking to prevent excess water retention, decreasing salt intake would be a good option.
Do drink sufficient water during this period because the body will retain even more water when it does not get an adequate intake of fluids.
You may also consider consuming more foods that contain natural diuretics such as cranberries, watermelon and asparagus. These help you urinate more to help remove fluid.
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