Snoring Facts & Cures

Some snores are soft, others are loud. A few are fatal...
Snoring can be a real nuisance, but did you know that there might be more to it than meets the ear? Wake up to the health ramifications of snoring disorder and learn how to put an end to all that noise.

What is Causing the Snoring Sounds?

Snoring occurs when air does not flow smoothly through the breathing passages at the back of the nose and mouth. During sleep, the muscles in your throat, tongue and soft palate (roof of your mouth) relax, causing the tissues to sag.

When the airway becomes narrowed and partially obstructed, the tissues flap and vibrate as you breathe, generating the snoring sounds.

Causes of Airway Obstruction

Airway obstruction can be caused by the tongue falling back into the throat, allergies, throat weakness, nasal deformities such as a deviated septum, and fatty deposits in and around the throat.

It can also be caused by enlarged tonsils or adenoids (the spongy tissue in the upper throat below the nose).

Snore Types

There are basically 2 kinds of snoring:
  1. Habitual Snoring. Also known as primary snoring.
  2. Sleep Apnoea. This is considered a dangerous condition. In sleep apnoea, the airway narrows so much that it becomes completely obstructed, and the snorer stops breathing during sleep.

    The cutting off of oxygen flow then causes the person to wake up briefly to resume the breathing, resulting in disrupted sleep which can occur several times during the night.
    Deadly Snores: Dangers of Sleep Apnoea
    Sleep apnoea can lead to serious health problems such as heart failure, lung complications, stroke, hypertension, and even death.
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