Baby Immunization Chart

Find out what immunization jabs your child needs and when.

Possible Side Effects of Vaccinations

Although vaccines are effective at preventing diseases, it is also known that vaccines such as DTP can cause unwanted reactions.

Some children develop fever, pain and swelling at the injection sites, or cry for a long time after vaccination.

Though these side-effects are relatively minor and temporary, they can still be distressing to both the child and the parents. If you have concerns about these kinds of reactions, talk to your doctor.

Vaccination with the new Combined DTPa, IPV and Hib Vaccine

If you want to be sure that your child is fully protected against childhood diseases like Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio and Hib meningitis, and you do not want to give your child more injections, the new combined DTPa, Polio and Hib is the solution to your worries. The combined vaccine provides less pain and more gain for your baby.

The new combined vaccine gives your child the protection against 5 diseases in a course of 3 injections instead of 6 injections (if OPV - oral polio vaccine is used), or 9 injections (if IPV - injected polio vaccine is used). Ask your doctor about which vaccines are suitable for your child.

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