Dealing With Toddler Tantrums In Public
My 2-year-old has started throwing massive tantrums at the supermarket. How can I put a stop to his screaming and yelling in public?
Toddlers have tantrums for a reason, usually because they think by acting up they'll get their way. Or, they may just be tired, hungry or bored. Either way, they're often unpredictable and exasperating. The important thing to keep in mind is to stay cool but don't give in.
Try distracting your child by talking about the things you see around you. If that doesn't work, leave the store, head back to your car and encourage him to calm down. Explain to him that you'll have to go home if he can't behave properly. And if his tantrum still persists, be prepared to follow through.
As prevention, avoid taking your toddler out in public when he's tired. Try to plan ahead so that he stays fairly well-rested – keeping a regular naptime schedule will help ensure your child gets amount of sleep that he needs throughout the day.
Do bring along a selection of small snacks that can be eaten on the go – they'll keep your child occupied and help tide him over in case he gets hungry.
It's also a good idea to talk about proper behavior before you leave the house. Let him know that if he behaves while you shop at the supermarket, he can do something he wants to do when you are finished. The reward can be as simple as stopping at the playground on the way home. The anticipation of something enjoyable at the end of the trip should make him a more willing tagalong.