Hair Removal Methods: Pros and Cons

Which hair removal method is the best in terms of cost and efficiency? We evaluated.

Waxing/ Sugaring

Hair is removed with together with its roots.
For hot waxes, a thin layer of the melted wax is applied to the skin. When it cools and hardens, it is removed, together with the hair that is trapped in the wax. Cold waxes are precoated with wax and applied to the skin, then quickly pulled off.
Sugaring is an alternative available for anyone whose skin reacts to wax with redness or bumps. For sugaring, the mixture in balled in the hand, flattened onto the skin and then quickly stripped away.
Pros: Low cost, Hair growth tends to reduce with time, Lasting effect
Cons: Tedious, May develop redness and bumps in some individuals
Lasts: 3 - 8 weeks
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