7 Tips to Max Your Weight Training

Training tips to help you make the most of your weight-training sessions.
  1. Proper lifting. Proper lifting technique ensures that you're targeting the muscles in the safest and most efficient manner. The way you lift a weight is more important than how much you can lift. Always check that you're not using too much weight, which typically results in poor form.

  2. Stretch. A stretching routine at the end of your session is very important as it not only helps promote muscular development but also decreases post-exercise muscle stiffness.

  3. Rest on alternate days. Rest at least 24 hours before your next workout on the same muscle groups. This means if you're doing a full-body workout, you should only perform the routine every other day to allow ample recovery time.

  4. Change exercise routine. Women who do the same workout over and over without changing it will notice it stops producing results after awhile, so remember to change your workout routine every six to eight weeks to keep your body in constant fat-burning mode.

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