Blood Type Diet

Eat according to your blood type: Get the scoop on the blood type diet.

Type B Blood

Somewhere around 10,000 BC, tribes began migrating north to colder inland territories due to climate changes and growing population. These nomads became dependent on domesticating animals. In response, their DNA evolved to produce more meat- and dairy-digesting enzymes while reducing levels of the digestive enzymes needed for grains, soy and other foods that were less available in this new habitat.

  • Best Dietary Staples: Type B women thrive on the flexible eating plan of their nomadic ancestor: Meat, fish, dairy, fruits and veggies, with limited amounts of grains, brans and soy. But avoid wheat and corn which were rarely available in nomadic tribes.

  • Type AB Blood

    Blood type AB is the most recently blood group which emerged around 12,000 years ago as communities spread and type As and Bs (who were originally geographically isolated) intermingled and reproduced. "As a result, AB is the most complex blood type since it harbors both A and B antigens," explains Dr. D'Adamo.

  • Best Dietary Staples: Type AB women should utilize the best of the type A and type B eating plans. This calls for a healthy mix of fish, soy, some meat and dairy, fruits, vegetables, lentils and peanuts.

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