Your Christmas Stay-Slim Guide

Beat post-festive weight gain with these 10 foolproof tips.

Just because it's the festive season doesn't mean you have to blow your eating regime. Our Christmas stay-slim guide lets you indulge in those festive goodies without leaving you feeling stuffed.

1. Eat first, party later

  • Having a healthy snack an hour or so before you arrive at a party will mean you won't be craving for food and you will be more likely to make better choices about the type and amount of food you will eat. If you starve yourself right before the party, all rationale will go out of the window.

  • 2. Say yes to occasional treats

  • To prevent bingeing, it's important to allow yourself the odd treat. You can stick to your diet 90 percent of the time, but allowing yourself to indulge in treats 10 percent of the time lets you maintain control of your diet through the festive season without feeling deprived.

  • 3. Be portion-savvy

  • It's often the amount we eat that is the real problem, not just the type of foods. You can go ahead with the high-fat or sugary snacks like butter cakes and chocolates, just don't go crazy and gorge yourself! The idea is to indulge in quality, not quantity.

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