Child Safety: First Aid Guide for Moms

Critical first-aid moves that can save your child during an emergency.


Falls are common in young children who are just beginning to walk, run or climb. Fortunately, most cases only involve minor bumps and bruises.

What to do: Make sure there is no loss of consciousness, and place a cold compress on any bumps or bruises. Observe your child closely for the next 24 hours for any unusual symptoms such as vomiting, visual disturbances, lethargy, or complaints of increasing pain. If she gets a headache that gets worse or doesn't go away, bring her to a doctor.

If your child has seriously injured the head, neck, back or hipbones, or is unconscious, do not move her and call for emergency help right away.

Fits and seizures

Most fits in children are caused by a quick increase in body temperature. Known as febrile fits, they're relatively common in young children below 5 years old. While terrifying to parents, febrile fits are generally harmless, and usually stop in a few minutes.

What to do: When a seizure strikes, place the child on the ground lying on his side, loosen any clothing around the head ot neck and remove any surrounding hard objects. Turn his face towards the floor so any vomit or mucus can drain from his mouth. Do not pry open the child's mouth or wedge a foreign object between his teeth, as this can obstruct breathing, and do not attempt to restrain movements.

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